M04 - Sala Violeta Formiga

Horário Evento
10:30h-12:30h Sessão 04: Trends in Inverse Problems and its Applications
14:45h-16:15h Sessão 14:Exploring the interplay between Nonlinear PDEs and Geometric Analysis
16:45h-18:15h Sessão 14: Exploring the interplay between Nonlinear PDEs and Geometric Analysis
Horário Evento
8:00h-9:00h Minicurso 04: Fourier optimization and number theory
10:30h-12:30h Sessão 14: Exploring the interplay between Nonlinear PDEs and Geometric Analysis
14:45h-16:15h Sessão 04:Trends in Inverse Problems and its Applications
16:45h-18:15h Sessão 04: Trends in Inverse Problems and its Applications
Horário Evento
8:00h-9:00h Minicurso 04: Fourier optimization and number theory
10:30h-12:30h Sessão 22: Mathematicians in mathematics education: creating synergies to face the challenges for education in the XXI century.
Horário Evento
8:00h-9:00h Minicurso 04:Fourier optimization and number theory
10:30h-12:30h Sessão 30: Singularities and Foliations
14:45h-16:15h Sessão 22: Mathematicians in mathematics education: creating synergies to face the challenges for education in the XXI century.
16:45h-18:15h Sessão 22: Mathematicians in mathematics education: creating synergies to face the challenges for education in the XXI century.
Horário Evento
8:00h-11:00h Sessão 30: Singularities and Foliations