March 20-22, 2019, João Pessoa - Brazil
The Scientific committee welcomes everyone who wants to give a talk in the Workshop. If you are interested, please send an email entitled "SUBMISSION" to
Please inform your full name and present filiation. Attach a .tex file or .pdf file of your talk (title and abstract) using as model the following .tex file :
The deadline for submissions is March, 3rd.
Your submission will be analyzed by the Committee and the decision will be communicated by email.
There is a fee of R$100,00 for professors and R$50,00 for students that can be paid in the first day of the event.
Confirmed Speakers
Aparecido Souza - UFPB
Arlucio Viana - UFS
Bianca Calsavara - UNICAMP
Bruno Andrade - UFS
Cilon Perusato - UFPE
Diego Araujo de Souza - UFPE
Diego Marcon Farias - UFRGS
Disson Soares dos Prazeres - UFS
Djairo de Figueiredo - UNICAMP
Edcarlos Domingos da Silva - UFG
Felipe Linares - IMPA
Francisco Sibério - UEPB
Gabriela Planas - UNICAMP
Gabrielle Saller - USP
Gaetano Siciliano - USP
Giovana Siracusa Gouveia - UFS
Gustavo Hoepfner - UFSCar
Humberto Quoirin - Univ. Santiago Chile
Jan Sokolowski - UFPB
José Anderson Cardoso - UFS
José Carlos Albuquerque Jr - UFPE
Juliana Pimentel - UFRJ
Levi Lopes de Lima - UFC
Lucas Catão F. Ferreira - UNICAMP
Luis Gustavo Farah - UFMG
Marcelo Amaral - UNILAB
Matheus C. dos Santos - UFRGS
Pawan Mishra - UFPB
Pierluigi Benevieri - USP
Silvia Sastre - UFPE
You can send an email to
8th Workshop in Nonlinear PDE's and Geometric Analysis
March 20 - 22, 2019, João Pessoa - Brazil
Website developed by Bruno Ribeiro, using WebAcappella Responsive.
Pictures by G. Drieskens, Instagram: @GCmovies